2011-07-24 - Schaeffer Farms


~9 miles @ ~13.8 min/mi

"We're running like scarecrows!" Hordes of stinging black flies torment Caren Jew and me. We flap our arms to drive them away, as Bert Lahr did in The Wizard of Oz. It's the Schaeffer Farms big loop, the sequence of white/orange/yellow/green blazed trails that Caren and I have explored several times. Today Caren is especially light on her feet and sets a brisk pace.

We begin and end at Black Rock Mill. A little after 5am Caren text-messages that she will be "a min or 2 late". But when I arrive 5 minutes early, there she is waiting. Grrrr! At 0545 we climb the steep road and start our circuit. We discuss upcoming races, family, friends, etc. Caren's "poofy" hair looks great. Recently her daughter Ashley wrote a lovely note complimenting her on it, and on being such a nice mom. Sweet!

(GPS trackfile, and 2009-05-31 - Schaeffer Farms, 2010-07-03 - Schaeffer Farms, 2010-08-22 - Schaeffer Farms, 2010-09-19 - Schaeffer Farms, ...) - ^z - 2011-08-08